Alignment Research with Innovation Checklist – Example #1

Let’s understand this checklist with example following title

COVID-19: Automatic detection from X-ray images by utilizing deep learning methods

  1. Research / Problem Need

A novel virus named Coronavirus has emerged to become a pandemic.The disease was diagnosed using a Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain reaction (RT-PCR) kit and requires time in the laboratory to confirm the presence of the virus. Due to insufficient availability of the kits, the suspected patients cannot be treated in time, which in turn increases the chance of spreading the disease, there is a pressing need to develop efficient and accurate methods for diagnosing the disease.

Current methods of diagnosing COVID-19, such as the RT-PCR test, are time-consuming and require laboratory resources.

This has led to a demand for faster and more accessible diagnostic tools.

2. Challenges of commercialization

  • Convencing Doctors, Hospitals and regulatory bodies about the effectiveness and reliability of the automated detection system based on deep learning methods

3. Audience

The audience for this research and innovation is primarily healthcare professionals, including doctors, radiologists, and medical researchers.

4. Industry Healthcare, Healthtech, telemedicine, XTay machine manufaturer

5. Market Demand

The market demand for accurate and efficient COVID-19 diagnostic tools is high.

6. Solution

Leveraging AI effectively in automatically detecting COVID-19 from X-ray images

7. Impact & benefit of research findings

The impact and benefit of utilizing deep learning methods for the automatic detection of COVID-19 from X-ray images are significant.

By implementing deep learning models for COVID-19 detection from X-ray images, healthcare professionals can benefit from faster and more accurate diagnosis

Faster diagnosis

accurate results

no human bias

affordable costs

reduced spread of the virus better patient outcomes

8. Available methods / Solutions


9. developable potential Identify whether your research has the potential to be developed into a tangible product or service that can be commercialized.

Yes, this research on the automatic detection of COVID-19 from X-ray images using deep learning methods has the potential to be developed into a tangible product or service that can be commercialized.

I developed this solution in 2019 with the help of a team of radiologists, data scientists and developers, and successfully launched and commercialized.

If you want to check your research title. send the research title in the comment box.

In the next article, I will explain with examples #2.

Till then think about your research worth.

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